Saturday, December 18, 2010

Writing Progress

You could call it ironic how little I write about writing. I guess sometimes it just seems superfluous. Nonetheless, I should add a small update here on current projects.

I'm not working well under pressure. Now, when I say I'm not working well, I don't mean I'm not working diligently, but rather the product is not turning out as I'd hoped, largely because of panic. My current script has been lagging behind for quite some time, due to an obsession with deadlines. The pressure takes away my creative concentration. Therefore, I need to do one of two things. Either I need to get rid of the pressure or learn to blend creativity with it.

A lot of this will probably require a learning of patience, lots of patience. I noticed today that I've been getting really impatient with certain sections because they were running too long. It was only after I went back and looked them over that I realized that the sections themselves weren't long at all; it was the time I'd spent on those sections that had made them seem so arduous. It may also be time to learn how to push on and rewrite after, though, to be fair, I would like to have an excellent Act 1 ready to show before I press on to the remainder, because frankly, that's where the hook lies. Today, I shall press on past the twenty-page mark, finally. Fingers crossed that the pattern will continue into the coming week.

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