Saturday, November 20, 2010

Boundaries (Chapter 1)

I saw this book sitting on my coworker's desk, and when I asked how it was, she let me borrow it on the spot. Whether this is, in itself, an issue of boundaries remains to be determined. In any case, it seems to be just the sort of thing I need to learn.

Chapter 1 sets up the premise of a life without boundaries, taking on everyone else's problems, trying to be nice for the sake of niceness, and as a religious text, taking the Bible's words on self-sacrifice to an extreme. Being historically guilty of many of these characteristics, I'd say this book will be very useful. The issues I hope to overcome, based on what I've gleaned from this first chapter, are:
  1. Being nice out of fear of anger.
  2. Keeping my mouth shut in order to "keep the peace."
  3. Thinking of self care as selfish.
  4. Putting the problems and needs of others on a higher scale of importance than my own.
I can see where much of the story presented appears in my own life and the lives of those around me, so as I respond to the coming chapters, I will hopefully be able to express progress and how I apply what I've learned to daily life. Some of this may also reflect in Ass Burgers. Now, onward.

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